Rose and Ann Young are the creative forces behind this style, fashion, and photography blog, the Oracle Journal. Born to a set of supportive parents who love the arts, both sisters have gone against the norm amongst their peers and instead, decided to pursue their passion. Being slightly taller than their peers, both sisters were often jeered and bullied in school. Along with time and constant encouragement from their loved ones, they decided to walk out of their inferiority complex and hope to inspire others through this platform. Thenceforth, Oracle Journal was created. Through this creative outlet, the sisters will share photography and video content of fashion, lifestyle, and sometimes food that are carefully curated and edited.

R O S E  

Musically trained in both piano and violin, Rose is also a freelance photographer. Her love for photography harks back to her childhood days where she would always follow her dad around photographing and post-processing photographs for his clients. After graduating with an Honors Degree in Arts Management from Goldsmith College of London (a partnership with Lasalle College of the Arts), she has decided to join forces with her sister to start Oracle Journal. Unless otherwise noted, all photographs in this blog are photographed and edited by Rose herself.

Her other works could also be found on her Flickr and Tumblr.

She is also open for commissioned shoots in Singapore, so do feel free to shoot her an email if parties are genuinely interested.

Rose's email: chaiandbelle@gmail.com

A N N  

Like Rose, Ann is also musically trained. In fact, both Ann and Rose often played dress-up and practically styled anyone who was at home when they were younger. Ann divides her time pursuing a Diploma in media arts and one half of a blogger at Oracle Journal where both sisters would work on their artistic directions together. 

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